VOL. 1 No. 1

Since 2003 [061823]


Officially known as Stephanie Mavi Garcia Panclas, SMGP is a semi-self-taught 20-year-old film student. Attending FAU since 2022, they have been challenging themselves to learn more about film. With an upcoming Youtube channel showcasing their life as a student as well as their film projects, SMGP plans on expanding their content in the near future. Stay tuned!

A quote from SMGP herself, "I think the most helpful thing about this learning process is to remind myself to not compare my progress to others. We all have different paths we are on."

VOL. 1 No. 1

Since 2003 [061823]


SMGP also revealed they are working on a new film expected to be finished summer of 2024. They say to stay tuned because this project "is something I've been thinking of for a few years now, and I didn't know what medium I wanted to tell this story."


They stated that coming from a Latinx and queer community has influenced their lives and creative works immensely. SMGP says, "I try to express myself within my art, which is inevitably impossible not to do as an artist, but I make it my own, even if it's a small detail."

I filmed this interview, and I am glad to get it out so soon. Here is a very short but meaningful introduction to myself and my work. Please enjoy and as always, stay tuned for more. Thank you for sticking around!

VOL. 1 No. 2

Since 2003 [061923]


Hello all! Welcome to this blog post. I need a way to stay consistent with content creation for my film endeavors and maintain a flow. The idea of people on the internet perceiving me is a bit scary, but I'm slowly warming up to it. Considering about two people will read this far, I can say what I need to say and hit publish. Today, I wanted to discuss the summer term since the 1st half is ending this week. It hasn't been so bad, considering I only took one class. I've been keeping myself busy with side projects like this, youtube, and trying to get some parts of my life in order. Something that helps me a lot is making a vision board for the month. I only started this May making vision boards to keep me motivated, but I did make a vision board in January for the year. They're honestly so fun, and I keep my yearly one as the lock screen on my iPad and the monthly vision board as the cover of my journal.

My 2023 Vision Board

I use GoodNotes for my digital journal and planners; I use templates from WeBudding. The templates there are so cheap and pretty good quality. I use one with hyperlinks which makes the experience really smooth and easy to use. Don't get me wrong, I like paper journaling, but it's a lot easier to "mess up" on digital, and you just have a lot of opportunities to be creative. I think it's nice and personally makes me more inclined to journal or prioritize that kind of wellness because it's already on my iPad. I do like the "aesthetic" option of bullet journaling with paper and markers, but then it feels more like an art project, and then I feel bad when I mess up and just give up. Anyway, that's been today's blog post. Tune in tomorrow!

VOL. 1 No. 3

Since 2003 [061203]


Hello all! Welcome to this blog post. Today was quite busy. I've been working on the website, and also I filmed the interview that just went live. Please show it lots of love. It was quick, and because of the weather, things didn't go as planned, but I am happy. I think I'm going to like doing these posts because they can just be my stream of thoughts. I took one too many pictures today and only used a few for the interview and the intro post, so do check out my main Instagram when I decide to post those. In this post, I wanted the theme to revolve around makeup and confidence. I used to be that 13/14 year old that was totally obsessed with makeup for the wrong reasons. Once I started wearing it, I really couldn’t stop, and I felt like I couldn’t be seen without it. This, of course, like most things at that age, unfortunately, ruined my self-esteem and the way I viewed myself. I bring this up because, for the shoot, I did do my makeup, which for practical purposes, I don't wear unless I really decide I want to spend time on it. I still enjoy makeup a lot, and it's very fun, but now it isn't the shield it was once. Now, as a 20-year-old, makeup is something fun, I do if I feel like spending extra time on it, which I would if I wasn't lazy. The way I view it is very different than it was at 13. I used to need makeup to feel "pretty," but that was just basing that off of others. Now, I don't really need anything to feel pretty or confident. Makeup is supposed to enhance the beauty we all have, and I love that about it because you are able to express yourself that way too. I don't feel any less pretty when I took my makeup off today, but putting makeup on and enjoying that process brings me joy and fills my "self-care" cup. Makeup is supposed to make you feel nice, not change who you are, is what I'm getting at. Let's just all keep having fun with makeup, tbh; that's what I think.

here's one of the MANY selfies I took today hehe

VOL. 1 No. 4

Since 2003 [062123]


Hello all! Welcome to this blog post. I wanted today's topic to revolve around being productive and having productive days without feeling horrible. Let me explain. I think we've all been there; you are staying up late, procrastinating all day, just can't seem to get off your phone, etc. I'd be lying if I said that wasn't me all the time, BUT days I am productive can only happen because I procrastinate. I mentioned this in one of my Youtube videos where I take you through my week in Uni. I talked about how there are so many cycles we live through and how, for example, cleaning your room has to be messy to begin with. I like to think of things getting unorganized, mental ruts, creative block; you name it, to be part of the more extensive process. And the key to letting this flow naturally is not to force yourself into doing work (unless there is a deadline) and not be hard on yourself. I used to be so harsh on myself for not sticking to certain things, for not being like my peers and having their kind of workflow, and that is just unkind to me, and it's unproductive. I don't get anything done, and I'm in a bad mood now. The best thing to do in this situation is to remind yourself that it's all a process, and you, out of all people, should put the slightest pressure. You can push your boundaries and strive for big goals without breaking your back. I learned this in therapy two years ago, and it's one of the many things that have stuck with me since. Getting into the habit of being kind to yourself doesn't take a day, but it takes the initiative and small steps to build that momentum.

Alright, that was today's quick post, as I'm getting ready for bed now. Goodnight! Thank you for reading ily.

VOL. 1 No. 5

Since 2003 [062523]


Hello all! Welcome to this blog post. I took a few days to take a break because I've been a bit anxious, but it's been manageable. Anyways! I'm here today to talk about coffee. Like your average queer person/millennial/working parent/etc etc., I love coffee. My moot posted a meme on Instagram about spending money on coffee and then proceeded to make her own coffee at home instead and posted it on her story with "We have bisexual barista at home," with a picture of her iced coffee. I thought this was a funny moment, but at the same time, it made me truly realize how much $7 coffees add up. About a month ago, my aunt gave us an old Keurig coffee machine (which, mind you, in this house, we don't use coffee machines and never really had one), and I encouraged my mom to buy a reusable K-Cup. It's really convenient to swipe your card and instantly get a yummy coffee, but it's nice not to spend $30 a month, if not more, on said coffee. So, we went to the nearest Starbucks and bought some coffee beans and asked them to grind them (although grinding them before you plan on consuming is better, but also, don't listen to me; I'm not really a barista). Anyway, after that, we didn't use the coffee maker that much, to be honest. We did it every once in a while, and it was mainly me since I had time to wait for the coffee to brew as I'm doing my online work. After that post my friend made, though, I was like, "I should do this more often because it saves money but also is like a kind thing to do). I wouldn’t say my love language is acts of service, but I do enjoy doing things for myself that make me happy. I'm typing this as I'm drinking the coffee I made btw. It's something pretty simple that doesn't have to be complicated and can be fun that you can do for yourself. But it doesn't have just to be coffee. This is how I feel about food too! I love cooking for myself now. It's not only a basic skill everyone should have, but it just feels super good to sit down with myself and enjoy this meal I just made. IDK, just simple ways to practice self-love, I guess.

Okay, so here's my go-to Starbucks order and my go-to "We have queer barista at home" recipe.
- Coffee Shop: Brown Sugar Oatmilk Shaken Espresso (duh)-

- At Home: We Have Lesbian Barista at Home
- Use the Blonde coffee blend from Starbucks (my pref)
- Put it through the Keurig and add brown sugar + cinnamon to the cup the coffee will be dispensed in.
- Add the brewed hot coffee to a mason jar with a lid and add ice.
- Shake for a few seconds and then add a few ounces of oat milk.
- (I make my own plain oat milk by blending 1 cup of oats and 4 cups of water, and a pinch of salt. You can add sweeteners, but I prefer not to)
- Shake and add more ice if needed. I shake for about a minute.
- Pour everything into your desired cup (another mason jar) and there you have it!

As always, thank you for reading! Have a good night/day/morning :D

VOL. 1 No. 6

Since 2003 [081823]

Let's Catch Up...

Hello all! I know it's been some time. The rest of my summer classes kept me quite busy. I also filmed a few videos but never go the chance to put them out. However, it's all in the past now so here's an update!! I went to Orlando with my friends and we had a great time and I am currently filming a video with my NEW CAMERAAAAA!! I'm genuinely so excited and grateful for this. So, cheers to new beginnings and new gear. Now that I'll be back on campus, I'll be very busy, but it will be a lot easier to stay consistent with filming and editing, so, I'm ready and excited.

As always, thank you for reading! Have a good night/day/morning :D

VOL. 1 No. 7

Since 2003 [122723]

It's me again. Thank you 2023!

Hello everyone! Phew, it's been some time hasn't it?I wanted to reflect on the end of my semester and as 2023 ends. Yesterday was a full moon, and I'm blaming it for making my heart feel tender this week. I feel so grateful for life and that this year taught me so much. From the outside view, it might not seem like much to some. But I feel so whole at the thought of the learning and growing experiences I've had this year. I don't have any regrets. It's been a challenging and rewarding year, and I am ready for the more complex and rewarding challenges I'll face in 2024. Of course, while things are tough, I don't feel as optimistic, but in retrospect, you see things more clearly.I thank everyone who has shown me love and support this year. It genuinely means a lot! This semester, I met some new people as well, they have been fun to get to know and interact with, even in the slightest. I think my first year at University I definitely felt /not at home/ and like there was no sense of community. Slowly but surely, I feel it coming!I'm working on a few projects but I still find myself being a bit harsh on myself. It's not too much, but more of a perfectionist aspect, I guess. Either way, I need to remember what I value the most is the joy and experience I get from creating things, no matter the outcome.That's all from me this entry. See you next year!

As always, thank you for reading! Have a good night/day/morning :D